’RSFTSTYLEˆŽ<J Chem Engineer Japan CopyIEEEEngineeringūūl \Author Instructions: http://www.ieee.org/portal/site Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers. This style covers the following journals: IEEE Electron Device Letters IEEE Engineering Management Review IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics IEEE Journal of Electronic Materials IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications IEEE Journal on Semiconductor Manufacturing IEEE Journal on Software Engineering IEEE Photonics Technology Letters IEEE Power Engineering Review IEEE Spectrum IEEE Technology and Society Magazine IEEE Transatcions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting Engineering IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems IEEE Transactions on Communications IEEE Transactions on Components, Hybrids, and Manufacturing Technology IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems IEEE Transactions on ConsumerElectronics IEEE Transactions on Education IEEE Transactions on Electrical Insulation IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications IEEE Transactions on Information Theory IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering IEEE Transactions on Magnetics IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics IEEE Transactions on Power Systems IEEE Transactions on Professional Communications IEEE Transactions on Reliability IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology IEEE Translation Journal on Magnetics in Japan Proceedings of the IEEE!XJournal of Chemical Engineering of JapanIEEEFhttp://www.ieee.org/portal/siteūū !hpqrsƒtøxXyz{  , !|$  and ūū!xXyzd{  , !|$  and ūū!uX}~, et al.€‚, . . . vw ---ūū!"hpqrsƒtøxXyz{  , !|$  and ūū!xXyzd{  , !|$  and ūū!uX}~, et al.€‚, . . . vw ---ūū!#0 š”¢ąt‘’ “” •  , !–—„‘’ “”  "ūū!• ," ūū!–—œ‘’ “” •D  , !0"(#$%&–—h‘’ “” • –—t‘’ “”  , !• –—t‘’ “”  ūū!• –—€‘’ “”  (ūū!•  )ūū!–—t‘’ “”  .ūū!• –— Ō”¢Ät‘’ “” •  , !–—h‘’ “” • –—„‘’ “”  , !•  ed.!–—€‘#’ “”(  p.^pp. !• –—t‘ ’ “”  . !• –—t‘ ’ “”  , !• –—€‘’ “”   (!•  )ūū!–—t‘’ “”  .ūū!• –— 4”¢$t‘’ “” •  , !–—„‘’ “”  "ūū!• ," ūū!–—x‘’ “” in ūū!• –—€‘’ “”( . vol. ūū!• –—‘ ’ “”  , !•, , Ed.^Eds.!–—t‘’ “”  , !• –—t‘’ “” •  ūū!–—x‘’ “” ed.ūū!• –—„‘’ “”, , p.^pp. ūū!• –—h‘’ “” • –—t‘ ’ “”  , !• –—t‘ ’ “”  , !• –—t‘’ “”  ūū!• –—€‘’ “”  (ūū!•  )ūū!–—t‘’ “”  .ūū!• –— ü”¢ģt‘’ “” •  , !–—„‘’ “”  "ūū!• ," ūū!–—‘ ’ “” •(  Patent !–—˜˜ h‘’ “” • –—€‘’ “”   (!•  )ūū!–—t‘’ “”  .ūū!• –— 4”¢$t‘’ “” •  , !–—„‘’ “”  "ūū!• ," ūū!–—x‘’ “” in ūū!• –—€‘’ “”( . vol. ūū!• –—‘ ’ “”  , !•, , Ed.^Eds.!–—t‘’ “”  , !• –—t‘’ “” •  ūū!–—x‘’ “” ed.ūū!• –—„‘’ “”, , p.^pp. ūū!• –—h‘’ “” • –—t‘ ’ “”  , !• –—t‘ ’ “”  , !• –—t‘’ “”  ūū!• –—€‘’ “”  (ūū!•  )ūū!–—t‘’ “”  .ūū!• –—$%'p°±`²³P“µ¶“µ¶“µ¶&e()`ˆ‘+’ “”$ vol. ūū!•  , !–—|t‘"’ “”  , !• –—|t‘’ “”  , !• –—°Ø‘’ “”P >, edited and translated by ūū!• –—*@\0  , !213  ”¢ü€‘’ “”  (ūū!•  ūū!–—t‘’ “” •  )ūū!–—A ”¢št‘’ “” •   (!–—t‘’ “” •  )ūū!–—4XpqrsƒtøxXyzd{  , !|$  and ūū!xXydzd{  , !|$  and ūū!uX}~, et al.€‚, . . . vw B$  and ūū!C$  and ūū!5(°±²³64ŠŃŅ  -ūū!7dąį  ; !āåęē č 8X}~, et al.€‚, . . . 9:;  , !<=>?@ pPQZ  , !RShpqrsƒtøxXyzd{  , !|$  and ūū!xXydzd{  , !|$  and ūū!uX}~, et al.€‚, . . . vw ---ūū!ThpqrsƒtøxXyzd{  , !|$  and ūū!xXydzd{  , !|$  and ūū!uX}~, et al.€‚, . . . vw ---ūū!UVWYĄĮĀĆÄ$ Ibid.!Ģx|‘’ “”$ Ibid.ūū!• –—€‘’ “”( , vol. ūū!• –—t‘’ “”  .ūū!• –—Å$ Ibid.!ĘĒ ČÉ ŹčShpqrsƒtøxXyzd{  , !|$  and ūū!xXydzd{  , !|$  and ūū!uX}~, et al.€‚, . . . vw ---ūū!ThpqrsƒtøxXyzd{  , !|$  and ūū!xXydzd{  , !|$  and ūū!uX}~, et al.€‚, . . . vw ---ūū!ĖU[L|t‘+’ “”  , !• –—|t‘"’ “”  , !• –—|t‘’ “”  , !• –—°Ø‘’ “”P >, edited and translated by ūū!• –—  `ab<dc, Anonymousūū!(@ABC `šńņóōõö÷ųłś